Liberty Santiago
Liberty Santiago is a thought leader whose keen foresight has helped her harness her ability to manifest through the use of her incredible intuitive gifts. In this way she has brought about the greatest joys and treasures of her life. In her early thirties, after reaching the end of her addiction to prescription drugs Liberty had a spiritual awakening. Liberty heard her calling, obediently pursued her journey to restore and renew her mind. What was gained from pursuing her life path was rewarded with discernment to make meaningful connections with success-driven entrepreneurs who are ready to become their best self, in the most authentic way, that aligns to the vision they hold for themselves & their business.
As an online business mentor and manifestation coach, Liberty has been able to guide others on how to tap into their own potential. With a deeper connection with themselves and those around them, her clients begin outreaching with greater frequency for a vibrational match to attract their desired results. Liberty’s clients experience breakthrough, quantum leaps, and more fulfilled living. Liberty is in service to those around her through both her business consulting and her non-profit. At her core, she aims to always support a new way of thinking, healing, and self-love for the heart-centered business minded leader whose obvious next step is to invest in themselves for long term success.
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